Paintings for sale

Here you will find paintings which I created over the past few years, and which I now put up for sale. In many cases they belong to a series or period of my work, but some are individual works of art, which just arose from the pure joy of the painting process.

If any of the paintings catches your eye, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to provide you with additional information, or perhaps arrange a meeting in which you could see the painting in real life. I would be truly delighted to be able to send my works out to the world, where they can find a home in your interiors.

In conclusion, I would also like to point out that I also do commissions (with a certain level of preserved artistic freedom). Feel free to contact me with your ideas and requirements.

Individual Works of Art

Oil and acrylics on canvas, 70×40 cm, 2019

Pastel and aquarelle on canvas, diameter 40 cm, 2019

Pastel, ink and aquarelle on canvas, diameter 30 cm, 2019

Ink and aquarelle on canvas, diameter 20 cm, 2019


Oil on canvas, 100×70 cm, 2019

Pastel, aquarelle and ink on canvas, 2x35x50 cm and 50×50 cm, 2019

Second Wave, Autumn 2020

The second lockdown perhaps could not have been more different for me than the first one. Dreamy feelings smoothly transformed into a living nightmare, in which the world I knew was in flames. We all were about to lose our jobs, and no one could tell when it was going to end. At the same time, everyone tried to act like we were fine. After all, the mantra of the time was that together we can do it. From my point of view, these paintings manifest the constant threats which nonetheless takes place behind a fragile shell of ongoing normal life.

Oil and aquarelle on canvas, 90×60 cm, 2020

This is fine, oil on canvas, 140×90 cm, 2020

Oil and aquarelle on canvas, 170×70 cm, 2020

First Wave, Spring 2020

The first quarantine had a dreamy feel for me. At that time I worked a lot with the symbol of a circle, which was supposed to reflect our social circles, which suddenly became almost tangible. Paintings from this period often depict fish or bathtubs, since it was in a bathtub where I felt most secure at the time, almost like in a womb. Meanwhile, however, my entire apartment turned into an imaginary aquarium which strangers peeked into from time to time either through my computer camera or the curtainless windows.

Oil on canvas, 40x40cm, 2020

Oil on canvas on hardboard, 35×50 cm, 2020

Aquarelle on canvas on hardboard, 35×50 cm, 2020

Oil on canvas, 60×140 cm, 2020

Country-City, Spring 2018

I created this series in spring of 2018, and it reflects my feelings from life in the countryside, or rather from the creeping penetration of city into the landscape. I first recognized the phenomenon in the form of light smog. I was going from village to village at night and the lights from a nearby city shone behind the hills. There was something truly apocalyptic about it, in that silence and cold, and the experience initiated the whole series. In some paintings I worked with noise, and with the feeling I have when I stand in my beloved forest and somewhere completely in the distance, I hear a highway.

Oil and holes on canvas, 160×100 cm, 2018

The road to Kostelec, oil and acrylics on canvas, 170×70 cm, 2018

Oil on canvas, 135×90 cm, 2018

Oil on canvas, 100×40 cm, 2018

Turn left and then turn left, oil on canvas, 135×90 cm, 2018

Harvest, oil and acrylics on canvas, 80×55 cm, 2018

Oil on canvas, 70×50 cm, 2018

Oil on canvas, 30×50 cm, 2018

2021 © Barbara Novorodá
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