Objectively - Subjectively
2019 - 2021

The series is based on my personal experience from the Faculty of Law and from the environment of law firms. I share my experience with the viewer through multiple forms –classic oil paintings, videoart, performances, objects or sound collages. In terms of content, I often ask the question: ”What does it even mean to be somebody?”, and ”Why is our society so obsessed with being somebody?”. Furthermore, the idea that the rule of law is a collective hallucination, which forms a parallel universe for ordinary people’s lives, while for others (i.e., for lawyers) it becomes a filter through which they live their daily experience is put forward here.

A person is untouchable, combined technique on hardboard, 100×100 cm, 2019

Collage, combined technique on hardboard, 100×150 cm, 2019

Collage, combined technique on hardboard, 40×70 cm, 2019

May, collage, combined technique on hardboard, 120×150 cm, 2020

Sound collage of the poem May and the legal regulation of spouses’ joint property, 2020

Final thesis on FDULS, combined technique on hardboard, 150×200 cm, 2019

Site specific kaleidoscopes, 2020

The view inside the kaleidoscopes

Toilet paper made out of the Insolvency law, 2020

Performance, 8 minutes, 2021

2021 © Barbara Novorodá
web by Burasite